Performance Data & Improvement Plans
Attendance Data
Independent Elementary School's total attendance rate goal is 97%. Click on this link to see current data demonstrating our progress towards this goal.
Behavior Data
Independent Elementary School's behavior goal is an average of 4 or less infractions per day. Click on this link to see current data demonstrating our progress towards this goal.
California School Dashboard - Independent
Independent Elementary School's end goals include ELA and Math performance is at the Blue (highest) level of performance for all student demographics and the suspension rate is <0.5% of the student population according to the CA School Dashboard. Click here to see the most up to date information demonstrating our progress towards these goals.
Independent Strategic Plan
Our Strategic Plan and SPSA represent the same data, information, and goals, however, the strategic plan presents the material in a much easier to follow format. Check this out to see who we are and what we plan to do.
SARC - School Accountability Report Card
By February 1 of each year, every school in California is required by state law to publish a School Accountability Report Card (SARC). The SARC contains information about the condition and performance of each California public school. Under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) all local educational agencies (LEAs) are required to prepare a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), which describes how they intend to meet annual school-specific goals for all pupils, with specific activities to address state and local priorities. Additionally, data reported in an LCAP is to be consistent with data reported in the SARC.
A print copy is available upon request.